Thursday, 6 April 2017

Foods and Vitamins Women Need

The life of a girl keeps changing and is too full of ups and downs than men… No! I ain’t a Feminazi! The reason being that the body of a girl keeps changing the moment she reaches puberty. The rising and falling levels of hormones, bleeding every month and the PMS takes a toll on her overall well being. The fact that women have always been ignorant about their health and that they stand last on their own to-do lists is what invites the arthritis, osteoporosis and diabetes at an early age. Below is a list of must ‘to-do’s for women (especially in their early 20’s).
Vitamin B

1. Worship the B-vitamin: It cannot be stressed enough how important the role of vitamin - B is! These vitamins are great for reproductive health. Also, the B-vitamins work extremely well in managing/ relieving from PMS symptoms. They are also known to relieve bloating (especially during PMS) and keep your skin glowing too. Since vitamin B are water soluble, the chances of it leading to over toxicity is very less. It cannot be stored in the body and is eliminated from the urine, thus you need to have them daily. Buy Vitamin B here

2. Never ever skip Calcium: The ever changing body of a woman, especially the one during the puberty phase and pregnancy have a higher demand of calcium supplements. It is a fact that every pregnancy utilises five years of calcium reserves and hence the calcium supplements should be taken at least two years before you plan a baby. Also, during menses the blood loss is also related to significant amount of calcium loss from the body making you more prone to osteoporosis than men. Calcium rich foods like milk, hung curd, eggs, sardines and broccoli should be included in your diet. Calcium supplements are a great choice along with such foods to meet your dynamic requirements. Buy here

3. Eat yogurt daily: There is a suggestion that yogurt may decrease the risk of breast cancer and there’s very strong evidence it can reduce problems associated with irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory digestive tract disorders both conditions that dominate women more than men. Additionally, yogurt can help reduce the risk of stomach ulcers and vaginal infections. 

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